
to No Greater Love, a fanlisting for the 1968 movie Romeo and Juliet! If you're a fan of this amazing film, please consider joining the fanlisting to become a listed fan!

For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo

Fanlisting Statistics

Last Update: 28th February 2025
Fan Count: 333 + 0 in queue.
Newest member(s): Spencer
Previous owner: Carolynne (just-like-magic.org)

The Website

The website is maintained by Juliet, is a part of Fairytale Dreams and listed with The Fanlistings Network & The Movielistings Network, but is in no way official or affiliated with the actors or anyone involved with Romeo and Juliet. This is strictly a non-profit fansite. Layout by Lorian. ♥